Always Watch What Part of Latin America You're Going To

May 29, 2015

Latin America starts from Mexico to Argentina. And I still wonder if Central America is even a continent. I've seen someone from Venezuela, and I have a horrible feeling about them. I've had some kind of weird dream that led me to think that it was a very dangerous country. It was. I also mistook it for a Communist state, even though it is not mentioned on the "Communist state" page on Wikipedia.
And you know the odd part?
My parents... they must be drunk. They planned a trip to San Pedro Sula, which is in Honduras. Honduras has to be the most dangerous Central American area. I've told my mom that before. Apparently, she along with dad has lost their mind.
The "vacation" is set on June 2. I swear we will not have a good time. Honduras seems like a paradise gone wrong.

May 30, 2015

My parents stated that they're not drunk, and that they just wanted "some time out of this house." I told her everything, EVERYTHING. She didn't listen. Apparently we didn't have internet at that time, the wi-fi broke down, so here I am, writing this s--- down on a piece of paper.
If only I could get to explain to her that Honduras is a very bad place, she would listen and cancel the vacation.

June 1, 2015

The day before our danger. Wish me luck.
My parents just got done fixing the wi-fi. We have access to the internet again. I was looking up "honduras most dangerous country" and I told mom to come here. She didn't. She was on the phone with some stupid insurance idiot.
Just when we get there, she will see every bad side of the country. I hope we return safe.

June 2, 2015

We just have our bags packed and we are heading out of the house and to the airport. I prayed for relief, if we missed our flight or something. Or if the plane broke down, we would be home free. "If we miss our flight, I will be so sad," mom said in an emotional way.

= Later =

We've arrived at the airport, and thankfully I've got to keep my notebook, in case of important noting. I already wanted to cry. We were going on a flight to one of the dangerous Latin American places.

June 3, 2015

It's about time we have arrived. After getting out of the airport, we rented a car, and all that, and took a drive around San Pedro Sula in search for a hotel. When we stopped by a Burger King for dinner, I saw the most unforgiving violence ever.
A man dressed in all black was nabbing a child, whom was screaming for help. The man spanked him, broke his arm, all of it. All of it. "Mom, we should probably go back," I said. Mom replied with the most haunting words.
"No, I love seeing this."
My mom just revealed she was a mental maniac. I just stole our rental car and drove it to the airport. Despite being young without a driver's license, I went for the sake of it. I wrecked it a few times, and then I ran into there. I cried, begged for a flight back home. Thankfully, there was a flight available for Houston, Texas, and despite not being my home state, I went for it.

June 4, 2015

Here I am, alone in the out skirts of Houston. I can't believe that guy allowed me, a young freak, to go onto a plane by myself. That is one of the most unusual things I've heard someone do, but it seems to me, that Latin America lets everything slide.
The crime, the violence, they let everything slide. Not saying they are bad people, but I'm alone now, in a cold neighborhood.